NGC 7814: A Deep Dive into the Heart of the Little Sombrero
The Little Sombrero NGC 7814
NGC 7814 is last one on the Herschel 400. On Feb 4th 2013 this one was the galaxy that was the objective of my hunt. It sits just off to the right of the lower left star in the Square of Pegasus. This star is also known as Algenib or Gamma Peg. With my 4″ scope and a 30 second exposure, the Galaxy shows up as a faint wisp, I need to do a little work to perfect my technique.
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Why I was looking for this one on this night, is early Feb is the last time this one will be visible. Soon it will be lost in the evening twilight until the fall when it will be observable in the morning hours. By the middle of March it will be out of reach.
In August 2015 I went back and took the following Image which was a little better.

After I snapped a few images of this, I went over to Orion and found more targets there, but I will save the stories about these to another night.