My Portfolios

My Portfolio Introduction

All Portfolio items are based on Items from my personal Observing Log.  I have observed these, found them, and taken photos or described them in a drawing or sketch.

My Observing Log was started in 1986 and I have continued to add to it to this day.  Usually adding on average 40 to several hundred new items in most years, that is over a 38 year period as of May 2024.  I documented the information first in notebooks and pencil and paper, that was before I had a computer for this purpose. Then as I was able to use a computer, with my laptop.  I scanned/digitized the written records, and then cataloged them along with my Electronic records to produce a book for posterity.  My current observations will form part of the 8th volume of this set of books, for that is what it has now become. 

Also I have used a number of observing methods, from Refractors and Reflectors some of my own and others belonging to the clubs and Organizations that I have been a member of.   In the future I will add more detail about this.   But I do have some of this documented in the Stories that I have written in the "Stories" section of this web site.

All the Items in the Portfolio Library are Tagged with a Category or into Categories.  This page lists these categories and the number of individual pages in each.  Below are clickable links to help you to navigate and view the items in each of them.  Some Portfolios have more than one object so the number in parentheses is the number of items in each category.

Also the pull-down in the main menu will give you a selection of this list.

Roger's Log Book