Exciting Recent Telescope Addition
Recent Telescope Addition
We are excited to share about a Recent Telescope Addition. At the SSSP (South Saskatchewan Star Party) this year (2023) Grace and I were fortunate enough to pick up a nice 5″ refractor. No Mount, just the telescope. It was in pretty rough shape, but the optics seemed to be in good working condition. Considering how much money I spent, to do it, it seems a safe enough gamble. I was looking for something that I could share and enjoy with my Grandson. But a 5″ refractor seemed like overkill.
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Once I brought it back home (to Calgary.) I had a number of challenges to make it work. The first test was can I look at the Moon with it? I used my car as a base and pointed it at the moon, and after figuring out how to aim it, I was able to take a look at the Moon.
The next test was can I put it on the HEQ5 Equatorial Mount that I have for my 4″ refractor. Well with a few adjustments, I was able to do this on my front Driveway. Grace and I had a good evening looking at the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter.
After using it a little I found a number of problems, missing adjustment screws, mounting bolts that were not quite right etc. So I spent the next few weeks tracking these down. I also had to buy another mount of sorts for the other refractor. I purchased a used mount that works quite well for that purpose, but that is another post that I will write soon.
Then my attention was focused on finding a proper way of storing the telescope. This past week I built a box for storage and transport. I will add more information on this soon, but here is what the finished result looks like. Telescope tube is inside.
So there we have it, another scope in my telescope inventory, that I share these days with my Grandson.