May 10, 2024: An Exciting Date to Remember for Aurora Storms in recent memory
MAY 10, 2024 Aurora Storm Event
Recently we were all Treated to an exceptional Aurora Storm. I went out with members of my family to see this from a dark location north of Calgary, and we were not disappointed.
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We had lots of warning, and over the course of the day there were increasing signs that the event would be exceptional in terms of events like this in recent memory. We were not disappointed, with the Aurora covering the sky from North to South, East to West. And the public noticed and went out to look for it.
From our location there were many in the public that had just came to see it for the first time. They did not know what to expect, and were delighted when it happened. The sky was not completely clear, with high cloud interacting with the lights, but did not block it.
What caused this Aurora Storm
I have not prepared my own take on what cased this event and what it means, of I am sharing this one by The Amazing Sky: https://amazingsky.net/2024/05/18/the-great-aurora-show-of-may-10-2024/
What Camera did I use?
All these Aurora Storm images here were taken using a Pixel 7 Pro Cell Phone Camera, some with it mounted on a tripod, some hand held. The camera is set to “Night” picture mode which adjusts the settings automatically. It will also create a short Timelapse “Movie” which takes about 4 minutes.
First Appearance to the North

Looking to the South – Back over the City of Calgary


The Public Awareness of Aurora Storm
The roads were packed with a steady stream of traffic. Side roads, pull-offs and approach roads were all occupied with people in cars who came out to look for the Aurora.