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Behold the 12-Day Cantaloupe Moon – revisit
Behold the 12-Day Cantaloupe Moon Welcome, dear readers, to a delightful exploration of the enchanting Cantaloupe Moon. This celestial phenomenon which I describe here, known for its mesmerizing beauty and ephemeral appearance, has captivated sky gazers for generations. Join us
Feb 5, 2025: The First Quarter Moon Occultation of the Pleiades (M45)
The First Quarter Moon Occultation the Pleiades (M45) Lately we have had the opportunity to observe a Moon Occultation of the Pleiades. This occurred again on Feb 5th and this time, all the conditions (or at least most of them
May 10, 2024: An Exciting Date to Remember for Aurora Storms in recent memory
MAY 10, 2024 Aurora Storm Event Recently we were all Treated to an exceptional Aurora Storm. I went out with members of my family to see this from a dark location north of Calgary, and we were not disappointed.Thank you
The Great Solar Eclipse Shadow Chase: April 8 2024 Solar Eclipse
April 8th 2024 Solar Eclipse Chase The April 8th 2024 Solar Eclipse Chase, an Account of the effort by Roger and Grace Nelson of Calgary Alberta to see the totality of the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024.Thank you for
Most Recent Projects/Portfolio additions
Saturn’s Rings Transit (Pass in Front of) Star γ2 Sagittarii
Saturn’s Rings Transit In 1989 I observed the transit of a 28 Sgr or γ2 Sagittarii, a fairly bright star, and Saturn’s Rings. Such an event does not happen all that often with a star of that brightness at around magnitude
Beauty abounds in Kemble’s Cascade and NGC 1502
February 22, 2024
Roger Nelson
Kemble’s Cascade – a beautiful cascade of faint stars tumbling Kemble’s Cascade (designated Kemble 1) is an asterism located in the constellation Camelopardalis. It is an apparent straight line of more than 20 colourful 5th to 10th magnitude stars over
Jupiter from Ralf Klein Park
Jupiter from Ralf Klein Park Each picture tells a story and this one it’s in the title: Jupiter from Ralf Klein Park. This one is clearly a composite of two photos, each with a different exposure time.Thank you for reading
Mars Opposition 1988
Mars Opposition 1988 Mars reached opposition, (Mars Opposition 1988) when it was opposite to the Sun in the sky in September 1988. Lying in the constellation Cetus, it was visible for much of the night, reaching its highest point in
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