Cantaloupe Moon

Behold the 12-Day Cantaloupe Moon – revisit

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Behold the 12-Day Cantaloupe Moon

Welcome, dear readers, to a delightful exploration of the enchanting Cantaloupe Moon. This celestial phenomenon  which I describe here, known for its mesmerizing beauty and ephemeral appearance, has captivated sky gazers for generations. Join us on a journey through the celestial wonders as we delve into the captivating allure of the Cantaloupe Moon and unravel its secrets.

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With a formal yet friendly tone, this blog post aims to embrace a general audience, inviting everyone to embark on this seeing this celestial adventure. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be amazed by the mystical charm of the Cantaloupe Moon.

In 2017 I took this image of the 12 day old moon which I dubbed the “Cantaloupe Moon”.

It should be noted that we count the days of the moon from it’s first day on the New Moon, to the last day before the next new moon.  As such the first Quarter is Day 7, Full is Day 14, and 21 is Last Quarter. Therefore this is an image of a not quite full moon.

Back then I finally had time and clear skies at the same time to take an image of the this moon, so that I could test a recent purchase of Optical Equipment for my Telescope. I had added a Televue 1.5 Power mate Barlow Lens. This allowed me to bring out more detail when I am looking at Planetary objects.

Recently, I recovered the image and the story from my Media Library so I am sharing it now.

Cantaloupe Moon

The Power-mate allowed me to obtain a larger image on the sensor of my DSLR camera. And behold the results. ….. Someone remarked that it looked like a Cantaloupe!

Taken on April 26th, 2017, 2 days before the full moon (12 day old Waxing Gibbous Moon.)

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