First full moon of 2018

New Years Day – First full moon of 2018

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New Years Day – First full moon of 2018

New Years day – First full moon of 2018 arrived right at the same time as the temperature warmed, enough for me to take a scope out on the deck and take a picture of the First Full Moon of 2018.

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I was using the 90mm Celestron, that I purchased in 2006 in South Carolina while on a visit to my uncle Michel and Aunt Marion. I had not been actively observing for about 10 years, and was starting to miss it. I wandered into a Telescope store, and I was surprised by the price of a decent telescope. This one had an equatorial mount and manual controls. Just had to figure out how to get it home on the Airplane. I used it for 4 years until I purchased my 110mm Refractor that I use now.

For the past 8 years it has been used by my son, but I asked for him to return it so I could observe the Moon.

See Moon Portfolio for more about the moon on this website

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