
Revitalized: My Astronomy Blog Returns

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re-Launch of my Astronomy Blog

Revitalized: My Astronomy Blog Returns

I (Roger) first started a Astronomy Web Log in 2010 when I moved to using the TheBlueGrid web domain for my work it was created as a work experiment with WordPress.  Since that time I have always contemplated creating one for my Astronomy hobby that would be focused on that.   In this way, I would get a chance to practice and get better at using WordPress for providing web solutions.

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With this relaunch in November this process has begun. I will post articles of astronomical interest as we go forward,   I will also use this to post anecdotal details of other astronomical adventures from the past, so look forward to the addition of historical posts, which will be back dated when they are added.   And I have brought the articles from my former BLOG and added them here for items of note that were added between 2010 and 2017 …. Roger

First Post

Looking backward I noticed that the First Post was The Little Sombrero NGC 7814.  The idea was I would write about it on this BLOG than share pictures from my portfolio on Flickr. Things have evolved from there, but my interest died out for a few years. Until I started this, and recovered all the old messages.